ACA Update 3/16/20 – Open With Modifications Plan


ACA Update 3/16/20 – Open With Modifications Plan

Dear ACA Parents & Community,

At this time, ACA is open but with modifications and all classes are still being held as scheduled. Here are the details of our open with modifications plan, assuming you or your child are healthy and show no signs of illness:

  • We want to limit the amount of people in the lobby by asking parents to keep their distance between others, wait in your car, or walk your child to the door where we will see them in for class.

  • We ask that only 1 parent/guardian be in the building at a time with students. For their safety, we ask that no immune compromised individuals or anyone age 60+ be present inside the building, unless they are the guardian.

  • Adult students can limit their amount of time in the lobby by arriving only a few minutes before class and waiting in their car if they are early.

  • We ask that only students enter our classroom area, including use of the water filter or bathroom, if possible. 

  • All students and people who enter the Aerial or Pole rooms must wash their hands immediately upon entering for class and immediately following class.

  • We will be requiring students to keep a greater distance between other students during classes, limiting use of small props, and teachers will be taking a more “hands off” approach when possible.

  • We are continuing to sanitize the entire studio and any shared equipment and surfaces before and after class. We ask that adult students help us with this process of wiping down mats after each use.

  • Make-up Classes- We understand that some of you may take a break here and there, so we are extending our makeup policy. You may makeup any classes missed by May 28th by emailing Please include the dates you missed and the days and times you would like to attend your make up class(es).

  • Online Learning & Classes- We are exploring the options for online learning, videos and resources if necessary. We understand that there is only so much that adult or youth students can safely do at home, especially if they do not have access to special circus/aerial equipment. At the same time, there is a lot that students can do at home if we get creative! We are open to any suggestions or requests that our students and parents may have: email Stay tuned on our social media and check your email for some fun at-home activities and exercises we will be sharing.

Our Spring Break Circus Camp is still scheduled for March 23rd-27th and has several openings. We will keep all parents updated on the status of this camp. At this time, we do not have a large number of children enrolled and we are feeling very safe about all the precautions we’re taking.

We are continuing to monitor the current public health situation and taking any actions recommended by local and federal government. At this point, we are taking very proactive measures and will take any measures necessary, up to and including closing for a short time IF recommended by government officials. We will update the actions and plan above as necessary. We are abiding by the CDC’s recommendation of not having gatherings of over 50 people at one time. We need your help by following the guidelines listed above and keeping us updated on your family’s health.

Thank you for your continued support and diligence. The health and safety of our community is top priority and we will do whatever is necessary to uphold that. Please reach out to us with any concerns, questions, or updates at or 501-725-4975.

Camille Rule & Rebeka Poland 

ACA Co-Owners 


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