Why To Train Your Handstands

In aerial and in pole, cross training is paramount to muscle development. This simply means not relying on pole or aerial alone for all your training. There are so many awesome options for cross training such as barre classes, cross-fit, cardio-based training, etc… but one of our favorites has to be handstands! Handstands are a fun and challenging exercise that has numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health. Whether you're an experienced aerialist or just starting out, practicing handstands can help you develop strength, balance, posture, and confidence.


Why To Train Your Handstands

In aerial and in pole, cross training is paramount to muscle development. This simply means not relying on pole or aerial alone for all your training. There are so many awesome options for cross training such as barre classes, cross-fit, cardio-based training, etc… but one of our favorites has to be handstands! Handstands are a fun and challenging exercise that has numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health. Whether you’re an experienced aerialist or just starting out, practicing handstands can help you develop strength, balance, posture, and confidence.


Handstands require a lot of upper body and core strength to maintain the position. Practicing handstands regularly can help you build strength in your arms, shoulders, chest, back, and core. This increased strength can carry over to other exercises and daily activities, making you stronger and more capable overall. If you don’t believe you are strong enough to try holding your handstand against the wall, try holding a plank position. Once this feels strong, you can face away from a wall and practice walking your feet up to your comfort level.


Handstands require a great deal of balance and body awareness. Practicing handstands can improve your balance and help you develop better proprioception, which is the ability to sense the position and movement of your body. This improved balance can also help prevent falls and injuries. Balancing in a handstand can be tricky. It is best to use a wall or practice with a spotter so you can practice proper handstand body position in a safe way.


Handstands require good posture and alignment. Practicing handstands can help you develop better posture and alignment, which can improve your overall appearance and prevent back pain. When practicing your handstand, think about pushing the floor away from you and lengthening your spine. Tuck your belly button in and keep your wrists stacked under your shoulders.


Learning to do a handstand can be challenging, but achieving it can be incredibly rewarding. Practicing handstands can help you build confidence in yourself and your abilities. This increased confidence can carry over to other areas of your life, making you more confident in your aerial, pole, personal, or professional life.

Interested in training handstands? Talk to your instructor about baby steps you can take to start your handstand journey. While they may seem challenging (and are!) progressions can help make handstands possible for everyone!

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